Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blog Post 6

     I read the story called "The Fifth Story" out of fiction packet 3 it is the last story. I really enjoyed reading this because there could be so many meanings that it brings out. Is the women really talking about kill cockroaches. She could be talking about anything, she could be crazy. She just did not want cockroaches in her apartment, but they were coming from the bottom units apartments. It was interesting that all her her stories in one big story were basically the same thing, someone telling her how to kill the cockroaches.
     The little stories start off with "I was complaining about cockroaches. A women heard me complain. She gave me the recipe for killing them." When the women does kill the cockroaches with this recipe she some how gets satisfaction and each story goes on a little long then the one before. When it finally gets to the fifth story it only starts off with the beginning part. I think maybe you can just imagine what is suppose to happen after that, because it could just keep going on and on.
     Overall I think this lady wanted to keep killing the cockroaches and wake up each morning and see them dead. But there had to be another meaning and not only it be the cockroaches. Maybe she had some sort of mental disorder or maybe she wanted to kill other things. I really am having a hard time trying to figure out what this story is suppose to be about. I would like to assume that it is just about cockroaches so we don't think she is harming other people or things. I think she is actually harming more things then just cockroaches, who would want to wake up to a whole kitchen full of them and then describe what each of them look like and it just seems as if she gets some sort of happiness from them.

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