Monday, February 11, 2013

Blog Post 4

     While reading the two fiction packets it was easy to see the difference between them and to decide what kind of short stories I like to read. I think I really liked the first fiction packet better because the stories were shorter and let you have more of an imagination. Some of the stories really let you make up the endings, such as the mystery stories. These were short and gave some sort of of an idea of what the writer wanted us to know. I like piecing together stories rather then it just being down to the point. 
     The format is obviously different the longer short stories give you more information. For instance in the first story it gives you a little extra information on the findings of his research to make it more clear. In shorter stories they would not include this or even have a story about this. Then again the first story in this packet I am not to fond of and I don't really like the set up or how it is described. I think it is more of information more then a story and I like more imagination or relating to real life events rather then experiments. 
     I do like the story called "Point and Line" I like the beginning of this story, the set up, and the language. I think it gives great descriptions. The first line that says "I occupy the comfortable chair in your office and you stare at me" It does not say anything about being in therapy or in a therapist's office but the description allows you to believe that is where the character is. It makes me want to keep reading because of the lead to the story. You want to know why the character is there and what they need to talk about and why she isn't talking. Overall I like poetry better then short stories but all in all they do relate in some senses by the language, description, and meanings. 

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