Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blog Post 6

     I read the story called "The Fifth Story" out of fiction packet 3 it is the last story. I really enjoyed reading this because there could be so many meanings that it brings out. Is the women really talking about kill cockroaches. She could be talking about anything, she could be crazy. She just did not want cockroaches in her apartment, but they were coming from the bottom units apartments. It was interesting that all her her stories in one big story were basically the same thing, someone telling her how to kill the cockroaches.
     The little stories start off with "I was complaining about cockroaches. A women heard me complain. She gave me the recipe for killing them." When the women does kill the cockroaches with this recipe she some how gets satisfaction and each story goes on a little long then the one before. When it finally gets to the fifth story it only starts off with the beginning part. I think maybe you can just imagine what is suppose to happen after that, because it could just keep going on and on.
     Overall I think this lady wanted to keep killing the cockroaches and wake up each morning and see them dead. But there had to be another meaning and not only it be the cockroaches. Maybe she had some sort of mental disorder or maybe she wanted to kill other things. I really am having a hard time trying to figure out what this story is suppose to be about. I would like to assume that it is just about cockroaches so we don't think she is harming other people or things. I think she is actually harming more things then just cockroaches, who would want to wake up to a whole kitchen full of them and then describe what each of them look like and it just seems as if she gets some sort of happiness from them.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Blog Post 5

     This fiction packet was my favorite out of the 3 packets. I think I really liked this one because it was combined with short and long stories. All the stories we have read so far really do make you think about the real meaning or about the underlying meaning. The best story in this packet I think is "What mother told us" I really like this story for many reasons but mostly because it makes me remember my childhood.
     The author says "we did not hear it when our mother said that word: don't" This line is really funny to me because all little children cannot hear that word. No one likes to admit it but it is the truth even adults don't like to be told what to do. It is the worst for children though because when you say that word then automatically you want to go and do that thing. It is interesting that someone would write a story about this topic. It is so simple and it makes you think if there is something else the author is trying to say. Maybe the author wants to reminisce on childhood memories or maybe they are trying to say something about their mother.
     Most stories the topic seems obvious but in most cases it really isn't. The author is doing the right thing by coming up with underlying meanings. The other story that was short and interesting was "The death of the right fielder" is there another meaning from this story. The story ends weird and you would think it is about a man that died but is the author trying to say something about baseball. I am not very good at coming up with the real meanings to stories. I enjoy reading all of them but I really do like reading novels better then reading these shorter stories.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Blog Post 4

     While reading the two fiction packets it was easy to see the difference between them and to decide what kind of short stories I like to read. I think I really liked the first fiction packet better because the stories were shorter and let you have more of an imagination. Some of the stories really let you make up the endings, such as the mystery stories. These were short and gave some sort of of an idea of what the writer wanted us to know. I like piecing together stories rather then it just being down to the point. 
     The format is obviously different the longer short stories give you more information. For instance in the first story it gives you a little extra information on the findings of his research to make it more clear. In shorter stories they would not include this or even have a story about this. Then again the first story in this packet I am not to fond of and I don't really like the set up or how it is described. I think it is more of information more then a story and I like more imagination or relating to real life events rather then experiments. 
     I do like the story called "Point and Line" I like the beginning of this story, the set up, and the language. I think it gives great descriptions. The first line that says "I occupy the comfortable chair in your office and you stare at me" It does not say anything about being in therapy or in a therapist's office but the description allows you to believe that is where the character is. It makes me want to keep reading because of the lead to the story. You want to know why the character is there and what they need to talk about and why she isn't talking. Overall I like poetry better then short stories but all in all they do relate in some senses by the language, description, and meanings. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Blog Post 3 (Poem)

Poetry Exercise 2 
There were many loud noises that day. That day being October 11, 2001, one month after the terrorist attack, one month after my grandparent’s 50th wedding anniversary, and few weeks before Halloween, and the month Michigan starts to turn cold. Every day is like a surprise you go to sleep predicting what tomorrow will bring but you never really know if you will even wake up tomorrow. When tomorrow does come you realize the sky is blue and the grass is green and you could meet your lover maybe named Ken. Then Ken and you travel down the path reminiscing on each other’s life trying to get to know one another starting from the beginning. As you say your goodbyes for the day and go your separate ways. You yet again think about tomorrow you think about wearing your Calvin Klein jeans and buying a tree frog for Ken. Before going to sleep you realize you have only scratched the surface of getting to know Ken and maybe you shouldn’t by him that frog or maybe you won’t even wake up tomorrow.